Project Description

Contact Information:
Phone Number: 423-794-7580
Address: 2601 fort Henry drive Kingsport 37664
City: Kingsport

Website: Do not have a website
Social: Studio one Kingsport facebook

Monday-Sunday classes and rehearsals

Special Operations:

How To Help:
Unable to hold classes due to Covid-19 . Ongoing rent $2-000.00 per month and bills(electric water phone etc $1400.00.00) and would love to pay my dance instructors something during these difficult times. Unable to have annual dance recital but liable for $10-000.00 of costumes ordered. I applied for PPP but monies ran out before they reviewed my application. SBA disaster loan still no word. I would love to keep my business afloat after 21 years of serving my community- my dances and their families. Anything would be greatly appreciated.